Maps for Letters from Mississippi -- 1964-1965
Updated: 23 September 2013
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Noting the obvious: These are Google maps from 50 years later than the events described in the letters.

State of Mississippi
Mississippi Congressional Districts
Amory to Columbia (McAtee, 1964)
North-central portion
Southern portion (1964)
Columbia sector (1965)
Columbia (1965)
Columbia streets
Nathan Street corner
Courthouse Square
Chase (on separate page)

State of Mississippi, putting towns in context

Mississippi Congressional Districts

after 1990 census
Mississippi Congressional Districts have fluctuated widely in number and shape as censuses have come and gone. The 5th District disappeared after the 2000 census. A tantalizing Google book hit on "Figure 3.2: Mississippi Congressional Districts 1962 and 1966" in Federal Solutions to Ethnic Problems: Accommodating Diversity omitted the figure. At left is the earliest map I could find, and obviously the 5th district had changed since the 60s, since Marion County (see below) isn't in it.

Amory to Columbia


Amory Presbyterian Church (above) was where Rev. Bill McAtee (shown there in 1960) was pastor prior to the Columbia Presbyterian Church's (below) pastoral search committee flying up to meet and possibly recruit him in March 1964. I've provided a series of letters covering that period.


North Central Mississippi  
(see also whole-state context above)

      Philadelphia is noted here only because it was the location of the Summer-1964 game-changing murders of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner. It wasn't part of my experience.

Southern/Coastal Mississippi   (1964)
(see also whole-state context above)

Columbia and Marion County in context   (1965)
(see also whole-state context above)
Note: during my stay, I never saw Bogalusa in print, so I spelled it "Bogaloosa"


Most of the modern Columbia metropolitan area, where the Confederate flag still flies
(rectangles represent the Nathan Street and Courthouse maps below)


Area in which we worked
(rectangles represent the Nathan Street and Courthouse maps below;  + indicates Rev. McAtee's Columbia Presbyterian Church)

MFDP HQ on Nathan Street (X)
and police barricades ( )
Map and modern satellite picture shows trees and new structure


Marion County Courthouse (X)
Map and modern satellite picture

The historical society tells me the roof is green rather than blue; I somehow remember more of a regular square; the structures on the south side weren't there.