Letters from Mississippi -- July 1965 from home
Excerpts of letters from my father
(excluding financial and family portions unrelated to Mississippi)
Posted: 1 July 2013
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  July 21, 1965
[Monroeville, Pa.]


I hope you understand what you are doing better than I do from reading your letter! How about sending us an Esso map of Mississippi with some notations on what is going on where? Also, if you are going to refer to congressional districts and want us to follow you (which we would like to do), how about sending us a map of them? Your account of activities would be fascinating if it were clear, who is doing what. Remember that you are writing for people who know nothing about it! You have to spell things out and don't assume any knowledge...


  July 27, 1965
[Monroeville, Pa.]

I finally reached Dr. Thompson yesterday. (Douglas S. Thompson -- Pitt phone [snip] home phone [snip]. As I suspected, he said that the Medical Committee on Human Rights had insufficient funds for all its needs, and thus was not in a position to pay individual doctors bills unless someone is really destitute -- which does not really apply to our circumstances...


But to answer your main question, he said that he would assume that the medical care you could get at a hospital there would be okay -- as good as Pittsburgh.

Most important: he said that if you have any problems you need help on, contact the local representatives of the Medical Committee on Human Rights. There is definitely one in Jackson, and probably one in Bogaloosa, La, and you should be able to get the phone number from your local project director. If not, phone Jackson.
