Letters from Mississippi / Document
September 23, 1965:  Mayor McLean's Summary for Bi-Racial Committee

Updated: 6 September 2013
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( summary )

These images* (their text is shown below) are scans of one of the many documents in Mayor McLean's files at the Marion County Historical Society's museum that were made available by museum director Chris Watts to Rev. Bill McAtee for research on his book, Transformed: A White Mississippi Pastor's Journey Into Civil Rights and Beyond, and which are used here by permission.

These were Mayor McLean's introductory remarks for the first meeting of the bi-racial committee on September 23, at which Rev. McAtee was present as a process person. Penned at the upper left are the Mayor's wry comment about what he'd been called, whereas he considered himself an "Informed Realist." At the right is his description of how be prepared for what he faced.
Note: The back side of the sheet was divided into two parts oriented in opposite directions. I've separated and reoriented them here, but you can also see the original.


*  The brightness and contrast of the above image has been altered to increase the legibility of the text.
Penned notes at top and side:
Liberal, Communist,
   "Informed Realist"
           Running - [?]
Read, study, talked, phoned,
1. UP to Date
    A. Library, cafes, Theater, Pickets
    B. Arrest, Threaten Parade (KKK - Deacons)
    C. Trial - Ground Rules
    D. Meeting Monday Aug 30  Negro Leaders &
          White Leaders (Results & Problems
          of Negro Leaders)
    E. Problems Around us - Bogalusa, Natchez,
          Bi-racial Committee after Problems
    F. Meeting tonight -> Committee of
          concerned citizens meet to
          discuss problems. Not Official -
          Grow from here.
    G. Committee - must be sincere  must
          produce positive action.
          Broad Based Community Action Program
    H. School at present.
    I. Must keep control of County
          at Home & all citizens
          work together. Broad Based
    J. Chosing of six persons & I
          chose six persons.  Must be
          representative, influential,
          & able to work together.
    K. Meeting Sat. Nite  John Jefferson
          7:30. Elected members

Top of Back

  Bottom of Back

*  The brightness and contrast of the above images has been altered to increase the legibility of the text.
Quarterly Meeting
Meet Week after next

If you are not
  on Committee
Not Popularity

-> Linsey Walker
-> Mrs. I. C. Pittman
-> L. Z. Blankinsip
-> Amos Payton
-> Rev. Bottis
-> Charles Otis

Community Service
"Southern Congressmen"
    asked for some.

          Jim Draper
          Dean [?] Tucker

Adult Education
          Annie Mae
          1005 East

( summary )