Controversial Assassinations and Questionable Deaths
(Updated: 28 January 2015)
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  1. Coalition on Political Assassinations" (COPA)
  2. Dr. Martin Luther King
  3. JFK (this is just getting started)
  4. The Black Hole of Guyana -- so you think Kool-Aid was what happened at Jonestown?   (John Judge, 1985)
  5. Requiem for the Suicided -- This collection of James Corbett podcasts (sequence numbers in parentheses) looks at the ruled-as-suicide deaths of people who presented serious problems for those in power.
    1. Vince Foster   (247)
      The highest-ranking White House official to die on the job since JFK. He was very close to the secret lives of the Clintons, and he expressed fears for his life. Found dead in a DC-area park, with eyewitnesses contradicting the official story. (See also investigative reporter Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's book The Secret Life of Bill Clinton.)
    2. Danny Casolaro   (209)
      A free-lance journalist who thought he was close to cracking The Octopus, the political conspiracy of the century, dead in his hotel room on the way to some final interviews for his book.
    3. Dr. David Kelly   (192)
      This famous microbiologist and UN weapons inspector disputed the U.K.'s claims of Iraq WMDs. Found dead on a hill.
    4. Kenneth Trentadue   (182)
      A look-alike to "John Doe 2" from the Oklahoma City bombing. Dead in a holding cell after being beaten. His lawyer brother Jesse has become one of the foremost investigators of OKC.
    5. The D.C. Madam   (158)
      She had prostitution logs of all the rich and powerful in D.C. She gave them to the media for safekeeping and wound up dead.
    6. Terrance Yeakey   (140)
      The first first responder on the scene at the OKC bombing, heroic saving of lives, awards from the police department. But he saw things that made a lie out of the official story, and ended up dead in a tree far into a barbed wire bordered field, having left a car on the road full of blood and supposedly having shot himself impossibly in the head. (See also investigative reporter Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's book The Secret Life of Bill Clinton.)
    7. Gary Webb   (117)
      The journalist who broke the Iran/Contra CIA cocaine trafficking, and pursued it too far.
  6. Crashes of Convenience -- This collection of James Corbett podcasts looks at crashes that have served in various ways the interests of people in power.
    1. Michael Hastings   (274)
      A famous investigative reporter was close to breaking a major story on the CIA when his car inexplicably accelerated and crashed in a large explosion. Even a former counter-terrorism czar Richard Clark acknowledged the possibility of a cyber-jacking.
    2. Michael Connell   (226)
      Karl Rove's IT guru, who handled the theft of the 2004 election, was about to be deposed in a court proceeding when (following threats by Rove) the plane he was piloting crashed in a fireball just short of the runway.
    3. Maylaysian Airlines MH17   (294)
      The apparent shoot-down and crash of this plane in the Ukraine in 2014 created obviously false stories from the NATO governments about the Russians having done it, at a time when anti-Russian fever was being fed on various fronts.
    4. Polish airline PLF-101   (250)
      The 2010 crash of this plane in Russia killed the President of Poland and many in his government. The Russian "investigation" was clearly misleading.
    5. United 553   (152)
      This 1972 crash in Chicago killed the wife of Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt, carrying $10,000 in her purse.
    6. Korean Air Lines 007   (187)
      In 1983 this plane went way off course, went into Russian airspace, and was shot down. Maybe it was a spying mission. Maybe it had something to do with passenger Congressman Larry MacDonald, who was warning about the New World Order.
(see also the article The FBI war on Tupak Shakur and Black Leaders)