acadia senior college
Class Library:   Borrowable 9/11 DVDs and Books

What's on this page -- This page provides as full a description as I've been able to put together of each of the videos and books that I own, which are available for borrowing by class members. For the DVDs, I've provided
  • videos name (linked to the video's webpage, if any) and run time
  • producer or lecturer (linked to the web page or bio of that person, if any) and year of issue
  • place for purchasing (listing Amazon only if nothing closer to the video's source)
  • online site for watching/downloading (if any) -- may be older than, and lack the navigation capability and sometimes extensive special features, of the DVD
  • location of transcript (if any)
  • critiques (if I've found them), and a
  • general description (with Wikipedia link (if any) and occasional links to related material)

9/11 Press for Truth  [1:24:53]
Ray Nowosielski, John Duffy and Kyle Hence   (2006) (bios under "About the Film" on film's website
Buy at:
9/11 Press for Truth got rave reviews as being non-partisan and the perfect film for showing to "grandparents" and other "9/11 virgins" due to its accessibility and the uncontrovertability of what it presents. It is the story of two threads that eventually came together:
  1. the Jersey Girls (four New Jersey wives of men killed in the World Trade Center) who began compiling news stories that indicated things weren't as advertised on 9/11, bringing together other 9/11 relatives into a group referred to as the Family Steering Committee which pressured the Bush administration into forming the 9/11 Commission (without Henry Kissinger) and, though praising the commission's intelligence recommendations, panned it for failing to answer 70% of the serious questions they'd raised, and
  2. Paul Thompson, who had been pulling together every news story he could find on 9/11 and assembling The Complete 9/11 Timeline based on them, which uncovered a lot of information raising questions about just what had happened and who knew what.
The film also goes into detail on the failure to "catch" Osama Bin Laden in the attack on Afghanistan, and provides revealing comments from broadcast/paper news people on the degree of censorship (both self and corporate) on this issue that existed in the news media.

9/11: Blueprint for Truth -- The Architecture of Destruction (2008 edition)  [2:00:00]
Richard Gage   (2008)
Buy at:
Online:   (The movie's slide show, not the movie)
Slides Transcript:
A detailed, step-by-step, clearly laid out argument supporting the idea that the WTC buildings were brought down by explosives and repudiating the official story of plane-and-fire.

9/11 Revisited: Scientific and Ethical Questions  [58:25 and 58:24]
Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan  (2006)
Buy at:
Online: Jones:
            Ryan part 1:
            Ryan part 2:
This is a pair of videos, one a speech by Dr. Steven Jones by the above title at Utah Valley State College in February 2006 on the evidence for explosive demolition of the World Trade Center, the other a June 2006 piece-by-piece deconstruction by Kevin Ryan of the NIST WTC Report, called "A New Standard for Deception."

9/11: The Myth and the Reality  (2 DVDs)  [1:38:35 and 59:26 and 1:05:20]
David Ray Griffin   (2007)
Buy at:
Online:   (see below)
This is a collection of three talks by David Ray Griffin:

The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw  [1:10:22]
Barrie Zwicker   (2004ff)
Buy at: (or included with Towers of Deception
Barrie Zwicker was the media critic for Vision-TV, the largest non-profit TV network in Canada when, in January 2002, he became the first mainstream news serious doubter about 9/11, broadcasting a 7-part series on the failure of the military to respond to 9/11, Bush's strange behavior, the cover-up nature of the 9/11 Commission Report, and the failure of the mainstream media to point out the problems with the official story. (The Great Conspiracy is an update to The Great Deception, which was the first DVD release of that series.)

9/11 Mysteries -- 1: Demolitions  [1:30:42]
Sofia "Smallstorm" Shafquat  (2006)
Buy at:
Critiques:   (local)
                Screw 9/11 Mysteries -- Clunkety-Clunk edition  [2:35:47]
The first studio-style well-produced video to raise questions about the collapse of the Twin Towers, designed to be accessible to a general audience. Various parts have been criticised from all sides. An interview with the video's producer (lousy interviewer!) about the reason for and making of the video can be found at

Inside 9/11   (2 DVDs)
National Geographic   (2005)
Buy at:
Online:  War on America (12 parts):
            Zero Hour (part 1 of 4):
Inside 9/11 has two parts: War on America, dealing with the events leading up to 9/11, and Zero Hour, dealing with 9/11. From the movie's site: "Trace the time line that led up to the deadly attacks, spanning decades and circling the globe to lay bare the roots of al Qaeda. Capturing the horror and heroism witnessed on September 11, 2001, Inside 9/11 takes viewers into the last moments of those who died and the thousands of others who survived." The site also offeers hours of video interviews with witnesses.

Why the Towers Fell  [54:13]
PBS -- NOVA   (2002)
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This video -- widely criticised in the "9/11 Truth" movement -- presents a description and "analysis" of the collapse of the Twin Towers, based on the now-discredited FEMA Report. The DVD presents the text of the summary of the FEMA Report as a bonus feature. However, unlike the FEMA Report, there is no mention of Building 7.

911 Ripple Effect  [1:26:44]
William Lewis and Dave vonKleist  (2007)
Buy at:
Online: (w/trailers and deleted scenes)
As an upgraded remake of the video In Plane Site (one of the first 911 videos to use heavy video analysis, available online), this covers two principal angles, both of which are highly controversial on both sides of the issue. The doubters are particularly concerned because these are seized on by their opponents to characterize the 911 Truth movement as whacko. One issue is the question of whether there was an under-fuselage pod attached to (and a missile fired from) each plane that hit the Twin Towers. The other issue is whether Flight 77 (or any plane) hit the Pentagon. An interview with producer William Lewis about the production is available at

WTC 9-11-01 Day of Disaster  [~60:00]
Steven Spak  (2005)
Buy at:  (or Amazon)
Perhaps the closest of 9/11 videos to a true unedited documentary of the New York aspect of 9/11. Steven Spak, an experienced photographer, was a longtime friend of the NY fire department, and would have died on 9/11 had he not had a sick daughter that day. He arrived shortly after the second tower collapesed, and shot what, according to one of the fire fighters, were the "images that I saw through a firefighter's eyes as a fire lieutenant in the FDNY on 9/11. The video is gritty and captures the images and sounds of ground zero shortly after the collapse of the twin towers. If you want a feel of what it was like to be there as a first responder, this video is for you." (One of Steve Spak's images is used in a Studyof911 analysis indicating that NIST's WTC7 analysis was wrong.)

North Side Flyover  (2 DVDs)  [48:53 + 1:02:59]
Craig Ranke et al (Citizens Investigation Team; 2008)
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This is a series of interviews with maintenance employees of Arlington National Cemetery (who had testified before Army archivists) and two Pentagon policemen, whose testimony is consistent only with a flight path north of Flight 77's "official" flight path, one that couldn't have caused the damage pattern ascribed to Flight 77's hitting the Pentagon as officially described. The film's "Pentacon" website has a detailed article covering the same ground as the video. (Another video of evidence in this direction is the Pilots for 9/11 Truth analysis of the Flight 77 flight data recorder data provided by the NTSB.)

Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11  [33:05 + 48:19 + 34:20]
Guerilla News Network  (2003, DVD 2005)
Buy at:
Online:  Part 1:, Part2, Part 3
In Part 1 of this fairly early "doubting" video, many of the early "doubter" writers/investigators ask ten questions about 9/11, examine them, and talk about what to do next:
  1. To what extent should airlines have been prepared for 9/11?
  2. What did the Bush administration know and when?
  3. Why wasn't the US military able to intercept the hijacked planes?
  4. How did the administration respond to the failures of the military and Intelligence agencies on 9/11?
  5. What ties, if any, did the US government and Intelligence agencies have with the terrorists or their supporters?
  6. Were there plans for a war in central Asia prior to September 11?
  7. Is there an underlying motive, besides the War on Terror, for the US military presence in Central Asia?
  8. Is there any historical evidence to suggest that the government may have used the 9/11 attacks to justify its war in Central Asia?
  9. How has the government's reaction to the terrorist attacks affected the rule of law in the United States?
  10. How has recent legislation like the PATRIOT ACT and the Homeland Security bill affected the lives of American people?
Part 2 is a panel discussion among some of these people, and Part 3 is a further series of interviews.

Zero: An Investigation Into 9/11  [1:44:54]
Telemaco  (2008)
Buy at:
Put out by an Italian production company, "[from a review] ...the film starts out from the perspective of a person who lived through it and walked down the stairs through the burning section of the 2nd tower to be struck. It proceeds to cover the vantage of the janitor who had the only key, and who let the firemen up. (This individual witnessed the bombs in the basement, and 20-odd injured but living victims, who were given as names of witnesses, only to never be interviewed). Following are numerous knowledgeable [Note: but not necessarily expert] persons' accounts of why the official version of the Pentagon attacks is so problematic, most of which are perspectives we have not seen before. I can only say, finally, that this is the one documentary that employs enough reserve when presenting information to get home to those unfamiliar with the technical details. It deserves enormous credit for that accomplishment..."

The 911 Chronicles: Truth Rising, Part 1  [1:55:06]
Alex Jones  (2008)
Buy at:
This documentary covers the activities of activists in the 911 Truth Movement, particularly one particular young man who confronts numerous major figures and refuses to back down. It also deals with the tremendous damage to the health of the first responders. (This is an intense video, with highly emotional scenes from both first responders and anti-demonstrators -- not something to relax to.)

Loose Change, Final Cut (or here)  [2:09:54]
Loose Change, Second Edition  [1:29:22]
Dylan Avery and Korey Rowe  (2007)
Buy at:
Online: Final Cut:
           2nd Edition:
Critiques: Video:  Screw Loose Change -- Not Freakin' Again edition
                          (attacks 2nd Edition, but has lots of problems itself)
Loose Change was originally started by Dylan Avery as a what-if fiction film that ultimately convinced him that 9/11 actually was and inside job. The first 9/11 blockbuster, it came out in three editions. The first edition (2005) and second edition (2005, recut in 2006 to avoid copyright violatons) each were criticized from many quarters on a variety of counts for sloppiness or misleading omission/presentation. Each revision was apparently an unacknowledged effort to address some of these criticisms. The third edition ("Final Cut," 2007) was another such revision, but still remains controversial.
DVDs:   General Situation Surrounding 9/11

Fahrenheit 9/11
Michael Moore  (2004)
Buy at:
Online:  (none, apparently)
Respones to criticism:
Fahrenheit 911 holds the record for the largest box-office receipts of any political film, got a 15-20 minute standing ovations at the Cannes Film Festival. It examines the 2000 Florida election, the factors that contributed to what happened on 9/11 (without directly asserting the inside-job theory), the long, close relationship between the Bushes and the Saudi Royal Family, and the Iraq War.

Building on Ground Zero  [~60:00]
NOVA - PBS  (2006)
Buy at:
Online: (1.4GB download)
Aimed at a 7th-Grade-and-older audience, this is a followup to NOVA's Why the Towers Fell. It reiterates the premise of the NIST report that impact damage and fire caused the Twin Towers to collapse, and goes on to consider "lessons learned" for future construction of steel-frame skyscrapers.

Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear, and the Selling of American Empire  [1:16:00]
Media Education Foundation  ()
Buy at:
Transcript: From the video's self-description: "Hijacking Catastrophe places the Bush Administration's original justifications for war in Iraq within the larger context of a two-decade struggle by neo-conservatives to dramatically increase military spending while projecting American power and influence globally by means of force. At the same time, the documentary argues that the Bush Administration has sold this radical and controversial plan for aggressive American military intervention by deliberately manipulating intelligence, political imagery, and the fears of the American people after 9/11."
From a review: "There's nothing like facts to prosecute a case, and this documentary about the Bush administration's pre-9/11 determination to invade Iraq is nothing if not fact-based."

Terrorstorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism  [1:53:00]
Alex Jones  (2006)
Buy at:
Online:  (updated)
In his typically hyperbolic way, Alex Jones looks back at the various occurrences in which he asserts that governments (or "criminal elements inside governments") have carried out false-flag terror attacks against their own populations. Of particular interest is the examination of the 2005 London "7/7" public transportation bombings.

Books (roughly chronological order)
