Episodes of The Corbett Report that changed my world

Dick Atlee
Updated:  27 July 2014

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I have always been a liberal, at times what some would call radical. Prior to encountering James Corbett in the spring of 2013, I thought of myself as quite knowledgeable in the realities of the national security state and military/industrial/intelligence complex -- the perversion of the FBI, the cancer of the CIA, the lying of the upper elements of the government with respect to 9/11 and various assassinations, and the corruption of many in politics. But in retrospect I have to say I was, in fact, naive. I had no idea of the depth and breadth of the forces that underlie what I have come to realize was my relatively superficial grasp on the realities of the world. That has changed, due in no small part to James Corbett and his website

James Corbett has many ideas that I have problems with. But his basic framework is to offer information not always easily accessible from the mainstream media -- or mainstream-alternative media. He rejects the box-like Left/Right paradigm and encourages the viewer/listener not to take his word for anything but to delve into it him/herself, offering links to the documentation of what he is saying. And based on this, I've found myself having to retreat from some of my initial rejections.

(Probably the best introduction I have encountered to James Corbett, to get a feel for who he is and what his strengths are, is his "Interview 903 -- James Corbett on the Failings (and Promise) of the Alt Media" at He talks a bit more than he usually does, but this is in part because the interviewer does a good job of drawing him out.)

My exposure to Corbett and the many resources to which he links is due in part to my purchase of a small MP3 player. Much of what he does has a video component, but his work was born in audio and most of it can be fully grasped in that medium. He offers both forms -- video and audio can be played on the pages of his weekly hour-long podcasts (see local list) and more frequent generally-shorter interviews (see local list). But perhaps more significantly, at least for me, the MP3s can be downloaded with a right-click (or control-click on single-button Mac mice) on the "Download" link, and Save/Downloaded to the computer and MP3 player.

So while doing manual tasks or driving, I have listened to scores of these presentations. Some of them I find uncomfortable, some I have reason to disagree with completely, but almost all have provided information or a perspective new to me. And some have rocked my world, or led me to books and DVDs that have done so -- the proverbial Red Pill of The Matrix or the Rabbit Hole of Alice in Wonderland.

It's almost a cliche that there is no royal road to knowledge. So it is with getting a grasp on the realities of the world through Corbett's work. There's a lot to sift through. It is for that reason that I offer this list of what, for me, have been some of his most eye-opening podcasts and interviews. Each of us comes from a different starting point, so for some the material in these may be old hat. But I venture to guess that for many, this may be the kind of launching pad it was for me. I'll be updating it from time to time. And I'll start with what started it for me -- his interviews with FBI translator Sibel Edmonds.


Gladio and Gladio Plan B: NATO, the Pentagon, MI-6 and "Terrorism" - Sibel Edmonds
Episode 258 - Know Your Terrorists: Ayman Al-Zawahiri
Episode 014 - Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist
Interview 743 - Sibel Edmonds on the Three Musketeers of State Dept Terrorism
Episode 038 - OKC Was An Inside Job

Police State and Social Control

Episode 035 - The Panopticon
Interview 451 - Andrew Gavin Marshall on the High-Tech Police State (1/16/12)
Episode 128 - Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA
Episode 033 - Meet Edward Bernays
Episode 249 - How to Manufacture (or Suppress) Outrage

GMO's -- and Eugenics, which is (perhaps counterintuitively) related

Episode 025 - Shut Up and Eat Your GMOs
Episode 041 - Food is a Weapon
Episode 026 - Meet the Rockefellers
Episode 028 - Eugenics Never Really Went Away


Episode 234 - How To Carve Up The World
Episode 044 - Club Bilderberg
Episode 131 - Bilderberg 2010
Episode 037 - Globalization is Not Your Friend
Episode 008 - Meet the North American Union

Broader 9/11 -- beyond the planes and buildings

Interview 744 - Kevin Ryan Exposes "Another 19" 9/11 Suspects
Interview 741 - Jeremy Rys Identifies the Real 9/11 Suspects
Interview 376 - Richard Andrew Grove
Project Constellation (connecting the dots) - Richard Andrew Grove
Interview 539 - Mark Gaffney on Black 9/11
Episode 198 - Further Down the 9/11 Money Trail
Episode 045 - PTech and the 9/11 Software
Episode 020 - Webster Tarpley on the 9/11 Drills

UK's 7/7 (July 7, 2005 transportation bombing)

Episode 147 - 7/7 Seeds of Deconstruction
Episode 178 - 7/7 is Still the Issue
Interview 698 - Tom Secker on Secrets, Spies and 7/7

Spies and Intelligence

Episode 232 - AIG Exposed
Episode 204 - A Brief History of CIA Drug Running
Episode 257 - Lies The FBI Told Me

Political Elite

Episode 246 - Meet The Clintons
Episode 247 - Requiem for the Suicided: Vince Foster
Episode 268 - Meet John Kerry, Skull and Bones Ambassador
Episode 016 - The Bushes Are Nazis