Alternative 9/11 Resources Available through Maine's Interlibrary Loan Program
Dick Atlee,   1 October 2014
(back to 9/11 Resources)

(one-page PDF without links to online video versions)

The Maine state inter-library system, Minerva makes it possible to send an order for any book in any of the participating libraries and have it delivered to you through your local participating library.

With this in mind, the table below represents an update of an October 2013 search of the system, using the keyword "9/11." It contains 32 titles from the 217 main hits that I knew or assumed to be works raising questions about the official story or the way it was handled; I didn't look through an additional 581 "very relevant titles," the first 50 or so of which indicated a good hit was very unlikely. Two more were picked up by the keyword "911." I added two more I knew are related to 9/11. I've retained the order in which Minerva showed them, and a literal copy of any title can be used successfully in a Minerva search.

I've updated the list only by checking and correcting the existing entries. No new titles are included, except for the DVD Anatomy of a Great Deception, just added to the Southwest Harbor Public Library (SWHPL).

I have bolded the ones I have found most useful. In particular, retired theologian Dr. David Ray Griffin has shown a remarkable ability to pull together and document the work of scores of independent researchers.

T Type of medium:   B: book,   D: DVD,   C: CD
L   Number indicates how many libraries have copies of the books; an asterisk indicates local availability at the SWHPL; a "3+" indicates there are more than 3 libraries holding copies of the book or DVD
O   a = link to Amazon's page for the resource, providing a description and reader comments.
y = (DVDs) link to YouTube page of full length video, where possible
      (I haven't watched all of these to make sure they're what they claim to be)

T L O Title Author/Creator

D 1* a y Anatomy of a Great Deception   (interesting extended review) Hooper, David
B 1* a Another nineteen: investigating legitimate 9/11 suspects  (good interview) Ryan, Kevin
B 1 a 9/11 and american empire: intellectual speak out, vol.1 Griffin, David R. et al
D 1* a y  9/11 blueprint for truth: the architecture of destruction (3 versions) AE911Truth
B 1* a 9/11 contradictions: an open letter to congress and the press Griffin, David R.
D 1 a y 9/11 explosive evidence: experts speak out AE911Truth
D 2* a y 9/11 let's get empirical Griffin, David R.
D 3* a y 9/11 press for truth Nowosielski, Ray et al
B 1 a 9/11 synthetic terror: made in USA Tarpley, Webster
D 2* a y 9/11, the myth and the reality Griffin, David R.
D 1* a y 911 in plane site vonKleist Dave et al
D 1* a y 911 mysteries. Part 1, Demolitions Sofia Shafquat
B 3 a A history of the world since 9/11: disaster, deception, and destruction in the war on terror Streatfeild, Dominic
BC 3+ a A Pretext for war -- 9/11, Iraq, and the abuse of America's intelligence agencies Bamford, James
B 2 a Christian faith and the truth behind 9/11: a call to reflection and action Griffin, David R.
B 1* a Classified woman: the Sibel Edmonds story: a memoir Edmonds, Sibel
B 2* a Debunking 9/11 debunking: an answer to Popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory Griffin, David R.
B 2* a Extreme prejudice: the terrifying story of the Patriot Act and the cover ups of 9/11 and Iraq: the ultimate conspiracy to silence truth Lindauer, Susan
D 3+ a y Fahrenheit 9/11 Moore, Michael
B 1 a Grand illusion: the untold story of Rudy Giuliani and 9/11 Barrett, Wayne
B 1 a Hijacking catastrophe 9/11, fear, & the selling of American empire Earp, Jeremy et al
D 2* a y Loose change 9/11 an American coup Avery, Dylan et al
D 2* a y Loose change final cut Avery, Dylan et al
D 1 a y Loose change 2nd edition (and a 3rd edn?) Avery, Dylan et al
B 1 a No questions asked: news coverage since 9/11 Finnegan, Lisa
D 1* a Operation terror: the 9/11 story you are not supposed to know. (2012) Olivier Productions
B 1* a Osama bin laden: dead or alive? (2009) Griffin, David Ray
B 2* a The 9/11 Commission report: omissions and distortions Griffin, David R.
C 3+ a The Commission -- the uncensored history of the 9/11 investigation Shenon, Philip
B 3+ a The greatest story ever sold: the decline and fall of truth from 9/11 to Katrina Rich, Frank
B 1* a The mysterious collapse of World Trade Center 7: why the final official report about 9/11 is unscientific and false Griffin, David R.
B 3+* a The new Pearl Harbor: disturbing questions about the Bush administration and 9/11 Griffin, David R.
B 3* a The new Pearl Harbor revisited: 9/11, the cover-up, and the exposé Griffin, David R.
B 3 a The official Fahrenheit 9/11 reader Moore, Michael
B 1 a The terror conspiracy: deception, 9/11, and the loss of liberty (also 2nd edn) Marrs, Jim
B 1* a The terror timeline: year by year, day by day, minute by minute: a comprehensive chronicle of the road to 9/11--and America's response (see also the updated searchable online version) Thompson, Paul
B 2 a The war on truth: 9/11, disinformation, and the anatomy of terrorism Ahmed, Nafeez
B 1 a Towers of deception: the media cover-up of 9/11 Zwicker, Barrie