Site Map
(where to find up-to-date information)

A Good Source of Up-to-date Information

This site provides details about the End The War First (ETWF) strategy and the New Embassy Compound in Baghdad. It also makes available background documents and up-to-date articles of news and analysis that provide support for the ETWF strategy by illustrating the necessity of ending the war as quickly as possible, rather than letting it continue into next year and the next administration. These documents highlight the true aims of the war/occupation, the damaging effects of the war on both the military and foreign policy of the U.S. and on the situation in the Middle East, and ongoing administration policy moves aimed at making disengagement efforts by the next administration difficult or impossible.

You can access this information via either the black navigation bar at the top and bottom of every page, or through the Site Map below. Most of the pages are divided into topical sections, which can be accessed by the blue navigation bar on such pages, or directly from the Site Map. The Site Map also provides the date of the most recent article in sections where that is appropriate.

Home   -
Strategy Summary
    What exactly is "The Iraq War?"
    The Embassy-Defund Strategy
    Reframe the Iraq War Issue
    End the (Political) War First
    The Embassy-Defund Bill
    Impeachment of Bush and Cheney?
    Iraq "Victory" -- for Bush or for America?
    Postwar Plans
Occupation Agreements
    Agreement History
    Developments Subsequent to the 7 July 2008
      "Declaration of Independence"
    Attempts at a "Non-Treaty" Agreement (pre-July 7)
    U.N. Security Council Resolutions
      Authorizing the Multinational Force (MNF)
  Aug 1

  Jul 20
  Jun 14

Postwar Plans   -
The New Embassy Compound in Baghdad --
  Dysfunctional imperial symbol
    What's Wrong With the "New Embassy Compound"
    Magnitude, Cost, Militarization --
      Clear, regrettable imperial symbol
    Dysfunctional Isolation
    Extremely Late, Even With Slave Labor
    The Present (Temporary) Embassy
    Sources for the above
  May 13

Implications for Broader U.S. Foreign Policy
    General Direction of U.S. Foreign Policy
    American Attitudes Towards America's Role in the World
  Jun 12
    Iran's Role in Iraq (actual and alleged)
    U.S. Response to Iran
  May 21
  Aug 13
    Iraq Oil Law
    Oil, U.S. Foreign Policy & the Iraq War
  Jul 9
  Jul 5
News Sources and Articles --
  Help in understanding the situation in Iraq
    Good Sources of News
    The Military Situation
        Basra / Sadr City Attacks
    Iraq/Middle-East Political Developments
        Embassy News
        Endless Occupation "Non-Treaty"
    Iraq-Related Political Developments in the U.S.

  May 24
  Apr 7
  May 14
  Jul 14
  Apr 21
  Apr 24
  May 26
  Apr 6
Basra/Sadr-City Timeline -- concluded:   May 14
Analysis and Commentary --
  Help in understanding the situation in Iraq
    The Military Situation
        Basra / Sadr City Attacks
    Iraq/Middle-East Political Developments
    Iraq-Related Political Developments in the U.S.

  Aug 11
  May 5
  Aug 3
  May 1
Basic Documents --
  Context for the End The War First effort
    Official U.S. Iraq-Related Policy (General)
    Embassy and Permanent Bases
    Effects of the War on the U.S. Military
    General Background Information and Analysis
        Regularly updated info (databases, timelines)
    Postwar Considerations
    Key Legislative Proposals
    U.N. Security Council Resolutions
      Authorizing the Multinational Force (MNF)

  May 22
  Apr 11
  Jul 21
  Apr 21

  May 20
Key Quotes   Sep 12
Action   -
Networking   -
Authors (of articles) Links   Jul 17

Contact:   info (at)
Invitation to join this effort