Maine Election-Day Penny Poll
Federal Expenditure Preferences

Statewide Press Release
(slightly reformatted for easier web reading)

Statewide Contacts:
  Larry Dansinger, 525-7776,
  Lisa Savage, 399-7623,
Portland contacts:
  Rosalie Tyler Paul, 371-2077
  Robin Farrin, 664-8209

November 9, 2011 -- 3:00 PM
Maine voters: More taxes for social programs, less for defense

"Penny Polls," held in eleven towns and cities throughout Maine on election day, November 8th, 2011, demonstrated that voters want more of their tax dollars to go for social programs and much less for defense. About 2,075 voters participated in the polls that were offered as those who had previously voted exited the polling station.

Participants for these "penny polls" were given ten pennies, each representing ten percent of the income taxes they pay to the federal government. They were then asked to put pennies in jars, representing the largest parts of the federal discretionary budget, where they wanted their tax dollars to be spent.

The biggest vote getter in the poll was "education," garnering 19.5% of all pennies, followed closely by "health care," with 17.5%. The third most popular category was "veterans benefits," with 13.2%, followed by "food/agriculture" at 9.8%, "environment/science" at 9.3%, "transportation" at 7.7%, and "interest on the national debt" at 7.5%. Bringing up the rear were "defense" at 6.5%, "housing/urban development" at 6.4%, and "general government" at 2.7%. Towns and cities represented included Portland, Lewiston, Bowdoinham, Belgrade, Wilton, Skowhegan, Belfast, Monroe, Old Town, Orland, and Southwest Harbor.

A previous series of polls, at post offices, events, and other public venues, took place in the late spring and summer in each Maine county. Over 1,500 people participated in those polls, at least one in every county in Maine. Those results were within two percent of those from the election day polls. The results were also fairly consistent in different parts of the state.

By far the biggest difference between what Maine voters want and how Congress spends taxpayer money is between the actual defense budget, which is about half of the federal discretionary budget, and its polling support of less than twenty percent. Two thirds of the pennies went to veterans benefits, although only 20-25% of allocations are for that part of the Pentagon budget. Education, health care, environment/science, and food/agriculture were all much more popular in Maine than the amount they actually receive from Congress

"Congress is out of touch with the priorities of most people in this country," said Lisa Savage, of Solon, who conducted one of the polls.

Press conferences to describe in more detail these differences are scheduled for Friday in Bangor and Portland.

For more information on these polls, contact Larry Dansinger, 525-7776, or Lisa Savage, 399-7623.


PENNY POLL RESULTS—November 8th election, 2011
Total Penny Poll Results -- 11 Polls throughout Maine
Defense:                        1340      6.5%
Education:                      4050     19.5%
Environment/Science:            1929      9.3%
Food/Agriculture:               2026      9.8%
General Government:              556      2.7%
Health Care:                    3622     17.5%
Housing/Urban Development:      1322      6.4%
Interest on National Debt:      1556      7.5%
Transportation:                 1597      7.7%
Veterans Benefits:              2739     13.2%
Total Pennies for all polls:  20,737    100%
Portland  (Reiche Elementary School), 10:30 AM to 1 PM
Pollster: Robin Farrin
Defense-                          17
Education-                       196
Environment/Science-             132
Food/Agriculture-                116
General Government-               28
Health Care-                     213
Housing/Urban Development-        88
Interest on National Debt-        54
Transportation                    88
Veterans Benefits-                66
Total Pennies-                   998
Southwest Harbor (Fire Station), 8AM-8PM
Pollsters: Dick Atlee, Pete Benedetti, assisted by Marsha Lyons, Kate Henry, Dean Henry
Defense--                        212
Education--                      496   
Environment/Science--            289
Food/Agriculture--               243
General Government--             121
Health Care--                    491   
Housing/Urban Development-       210
Interest on National Debt--      201
Transportation--                 234
Veterans Benefits--              458
Total Pennies                   2955
Skowhegan (Town Hall), Noon to 8pm
Pollsters: Lisa Savage, Mark Roman
Defense                          166
Education                        351
Environment                      157
Food/Ag.                         239
Gen Govt.                         59
Health Care                      347
Housing                          144
Interest on Debt                 188
Transportation                   137
Veterans Benefits                337
Total Pennies                   2125
Belgrade (Center for All Seasons), 7.25 hours 
Pollster: Chris Buchanan
Defense:                          49
Education:                        87
Environment/Science:              66
Food/Agriculture:                 47
General Government:               15
Health Care:                      88
Housing/Urban Development:        28
Interest on National Debt:        44
Transportation:                   44
Veterans Benefits:                62
Total Pennies:                   530
Bowdoinham (Town Hall), 8AM-6PM
Pollster: Carl Smith
Defense:                          88
Education:                       248
Environment/Science:             163
Food/Agriculture:                144
General Government:               55
Health Care:                     195
Housing/Urban Development:        91
Interest on National Debt:        95
Transportation:                  120
Veterans Benefits:               151
Total Pennies:                  1350
Old Town (Knights of Columbus Hall), 7AM to 6:30 PM
Pollsters: Katie Greenman, Sharen Wilson
Defense                          314
Education                       1093
Environment/Science              392
Food/Agriculture                 409
General Government               103
Health Care                      757
Housing/Urban Develop.           206
Interest on National Debt        302
Transportation                   367
Veterans Benefits                527
Total Pennies                   4470
Orland (Town Hall), morning, afternoon, early evening totaling 5.5 hours
Pollster: Sharon Thompson
Defense                           51
Education                        227
Environment/Science              102
Food/Agriculture                  78
General Government                33
Health Care                      204
Housing/Urban Development         57
Interest on National Debt         72
Transportation                    77
Veterans Benefits                181
Total Pennies                   1082
Lewiston (Multi-Purpose Center), 5.5 hours
Polsters: Ari Rosenberg, Peg Hoffman, Corbin Lichtinger
Defense -                        117
Education -                      362
Environment/Science -            160
Food/Agriculture -               170
General Government -              37
Health Care -                    423
Housing/Urban Development -      188
Interest on National Debt -      113
Transportation -                 113
Veterans Benefits -              217
Total Pennies -                 1900
Wilton (Town Office), 8 AM-5:30 PM
Pollster: Eileen Liddy
Defense                          226                              
Education                        603
Environment/Science              226
Food/Agriculture                 341
General Government                48
Health Care                      572
Housing/Urban Development        173
Interest on National Debt        356
Transportation                   245
Veterans Benefits                515
Total Pennies                   3305    
Belfast (Boat House), 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Pollster:  Miriam Watkins
Defense:                          20
Education:                       174
Environment/Science:             127
Food/Agriculture:                106
General Government:               35
Health Care:                     184
Housing/Urban Development:        65
Interest on National Debt:        51
Transportation:                   98
Veterans Benefits:                68
Total Pennies:                   928
Monroe (Town Hall, 12:30-7 PM
Pollsters: Larry Dansinger, Martha Goodale
Defense:                          80
Education:                       213
Environment/Science:             115
Food/Agriculture:                133
General Government:               22
Health Care:                     148
Housing/Urban Development:        72
Interest on National Debt:        80
Transportation:                   74
Veterans Benefits:               157
Total Pennies:                  1094