9/11: Blueprint for Truth (58 minute version)
shown at the Southwest Harbor (Maine) Public Library
9 September 2011

The 58-minute version of the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth video "Blueprint for Truth"
is available at http://vimeo.com/15415038

The library posted the following on library posters (which I posted also elsewhere in town), by email, and on their website.
Additional publicity was provided by a letter to the editor printed in the local Mount Desert Islander on September 8.


At this showing to a capacity crowd of 43 people,
  • 12 initially believed the official story (19 hijackers, plane impact and fire brought the WTC towers down)
  • 24 had heard of Building 7
  • 12 had seen videos of its collapse
  •   2 believed the official story (or disbelieved the film's implications) after viewing the film