9/11 Truth at the Maine Common Ground Fair, 2017
Updated: 26 September 2017

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From September 22-24, members of the Maine and Connecticut 9/11 Truth groups manned a Truth table in one of the Social and Political Action (SPA) tents at the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association's (MOFGA) annual Common Ground Fair. This was the fourth year for 9/11 Truth there, and there has been a growing acceptance – even enthusiasm – on the part of the staff, volunteers, the neighboring Veteran's For Peace table, and the public over this time. The six-foot table had so many handouts, DVDs, and CDs that it overflowed onto the adjacent table of a group that didn't show up.

There were many interesting conversations, the usual amount of indifference (shying away from offers of material), and very little negativity. The fair traditionally has quite a progressive attendance with more and more mainstream people coming in recent years. MOFGA was started by a little band of scruffy hippie 'back to the landers' in the early 70s, who are now the white-haired staff persons making things run smoothly, simultaneously sharing the reins with young, very enthusiastic and knowledgeable staff and volunteers. Their original sixties' peace and justice idealism and integrity still govern, with the now three SPA tents hosting a wide plethora of educational causes and committed citizens. MOFGA is to be commended for hosting us, a sentiment shared repeatedly by fairgoers and Maine 9/11 Truth.

We did two one-hour presentations in the adjoining Speakers' tent, covering the World Trade Center and the alleged hijackers. They were well received, with standing-room-only crowds in the 30-seat tent after we figured out how to advertise them. Here they are, along with the non-comprehensive list of resources we handed out and a list of videos used in our video loop:
  1. Introduction to the presentations
  2. World Trade Center presentation
  3. Hijackers presentation (coming soon)
  4. Resource List
  5. Video loop playlist

Adapted from a description written by one of us:

We met some really interesting people and had some great conversations over the 3 days and recruited 5 young people to join the monthly 9/11 teleconference call. They also signed the Maine email list. Maybe we can recruit some of them to help out next year.

A woman came by whose father had donated the box of AE physics booklets this year. He had donated a box of the blue booklets to us last year. We asked her to thank him for us.

A man who said he'd been the Operations side of the CIA said he was sitting in their operations center on that morning, and when we asked him what the reactions were, he said they (the bigwigs) were taken by surprise. When we asked him whether he'd heard of compartmentalism, he just brushed us off.

A young woman who stopped by commented that she'd been 'skeptical' all her life. When we asked if something in her upbringing had sent her in that direction, she responded that her father had been in naval intelligence and that the CIA had tried unsuccessfully to recruit him. His advice to her was to never believe what she reads in the paper (or something along those lines).

The Friday WTC presentation went very well. At the end, we asked if anyone still believed the official story. Only one person did, saying we weren't telling the truth, and when we offered to show her experts saying the same thing, she said she wouldn't believe them either. On the other hand, the next morning a woman came running up to our table and said that that presentation had changed her life. She looked very positive about it, and said she'd known nothing about this prior to the talk.

The Sunday morning presentation on the "hijackers" had about 40 in attendance. The introducer's talk was handed out (she'd been taken ill), the talk went well, and there was plenty of time for Q & A. We were impressed with the young people who attended – they were very knowledgeable. It gives us hope.

At the end of the day on Sunday when hardly anyone was left in the tent, a Democratic candidate for office came over and introduced himself. We asked if he knew anything about 9/11 and he said that he had seen a few videos. We offered him the folded physics booklet from AE and he readily took it. Maybe there's hope yet – if he gets elected. But he did wait until everyone was gone to approach us, so we probably shouldn't get too excited.

During the entire weekend, not one person said, "The Saudis did it," while many thought that Israel was behind it. So the 28 pages type propaganda doesn't seem to be working in Maine.

(For the record: On a different note, there was a confrontation at the table. On Saturday, one of us was at the Socialist table in our same tent and had asked a young woman working there if she knew that Marx had been financed by the Rothchilds. She disagreed with him on this and later that day came to our table looking for him. He wasn't there at that point, so she started to tell me this and said that it seemed anti-semitic. I assured her that he was not like that. She came back later and got into a heated discussion with the person who had first spoken to her, again calling him anti-semitic. This time two other young folks heard the conversation and joined in in support of him. Eventually he stepped out of it, but his young supporters continued the discussion. She eventually left.

False accusations of antisemitism are an increasing problem, and one of us has had several problems relating to interviews/events with Kevin Barrett and Christopher Bollyn. Because we were concerned that she might go to the MOFGA folks and say that we were anti-semitic, we decided to handle this proactively. So the next morning we reported what had happened to the staffer in charge of our tent, saying we'd felt harassed by her and that we didn't want her to return and cause another scene at our table. They apparently spoke to her and that was the end of it.)

The support we received at MOFGA was truly amazing. Many like-minded people stopped by the table and chatted and thanked us for being there. It seemed that doing the presentations and being there consistently for 4 years has really had a huge positive impact for 9/11 Truth. It's really remarkable how many people now have at least some knowledge of 9/11, and many have a lot of knowledge. It was a very uplifting weekend and an honor for us to be a part of it.